They can reach up to 8 knots, which is around 4 metres per second. This is the reason for the Falls of Warness being chosen as a test-bed for tidal-generated energy by the European Marine Energy Centre. At the time of writing in 2022, the site is home to the world’s largest-ever tidal turbine, the 02, built by Orbital Marine (formerly known as ScotRenewables). It has the capacity to power 2000 homes. The first and most recognisable turbine to be sited here was created by OpenHydro and locally named the ‘Donut’. It was the first tidal turbine in the UK to provide electricity to the national grid.

View more details about EMEC's tidal test site.

At certain times of year these waters can get stormy. Here is a video from Westray Youth Club introducing the folk tale 'The Mither O' The Sea' which explains these stormy times of year.

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