You might also see Arctic tern, Great skua, Arctic skua and Black guillemot (Tystie in Orcadian). The waters around most of Papa Westray’s coast are designated a Marine Protected Area as the fishing ground for a large nesting population of Tysties. They are recognisable in summer due to their bright red legs and their black plumage (with a large white patch on each wing). In winter they change colour to be mainly white with black bars on their back and black wings, making identification a bit more challenging. They forage in the kelp forest for their favourite food: butterfish.

In winter you might see Great northern diver (Immer Gos in Orcadian) near the pier. They overwinter here until early May, when they leave for northern climes for the breeding season.

To see some of the birds mentioned,see this video by the Papay Ranger.

Papay Ranger Facebook page

A video by Westray Youth Club of some of the birdlife you might see from the ferry.

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